Why We Exist
To ensure that our laws reflect the value of water to our health, our wellbeing, and our livelihood. With water laws that value the role that water plays in supporting the richness of our lives and livelihoods, we can achieve water security and universal water and sanitation.
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Our Vision
We believe that every person should have safe water to drink, and sufficient water to thrive. For this to be possible, we must have laws that protect, manage, and balance the different ways that people use water. When these laws are poorly written or ineffectively enforced, that breeds chaos. We cut through the chaos to build a rule of law that protects generations.
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We rely on donations to be able to provide assistance to the areas of the world that are suffering from water stress and scarcity the most. When you give, you are helping to build the foundations of law around the world, and protecting lives across the United States.
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